Tuesday 17 August 2010

Beach? Now?

Now, I have to tell you...I was out on the old razzle dazzle last night...nothing glamorous...I finished work at 8:00 and I went to visit a friend afterwards. Just as I was leaving (it was starting to get dark, and I hate walking the lanes home in the dark) I got a message saying "Beach? Now?" It was only 9:00 and I thought...heyyyyy! Why not! What a nice surprise when I got down there...it was like old times! A few of my friends had come from all over the place for a little visit...a couple from Canada, a couple from London, one from Brighton and one from Liverpool (who now has a distorted Scouse accent- she was completely unable to say anything without having the piss ripped out of her!) We love Scouse accents--but she was so Cornish before! It was soooo nice- I felt like I was 15 again! We made a fire on the beach and drank wine from the bottle (some were sophisticated enough to have plastic cups I'll have you know!)

When it got too cold for us to stand it anymore (Chappers forgot to bring a top-up of firewood!) we pootled off to an old man pub and sat in the basement with wires dangling precariously above our heads and one strip light and peeling plasterboard walls! It was our own little corner and the group kept getting bigger with friends who'd heard on the grapevine that everyone was around. I had such a nice night, but we all decided to go home at about midnight (we're getting old now!) A lot of people had come straight from work and we're all shattered trying to make the most of the summer hours to bring in a bit of money!

I got home and started watching Roger and Val Have Just Got In on BBC iPlayer (as recommended to me by a lovely friend!) But I must have fallen asleep as I woke up crushing my laptop (with it about to fall off the bed) and twisted up in various items of clothing. When I woke up this morning, I realised that I have a cut on the bottom of my foot that has got a tonne of sand and dirt in (oh dear), my feet are filthy from God knows what and my jeans have the majority of the beach stored in them! Nice! An evening's no good if you don't come back with pockets full of sand, a couple of minor injuries and dirty feet! Hurrah for summer and friends! xxx

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